The United States Constitution establish three equal Branches!
Very Bad Decisions!
It was members of the United States Legislative branch that forced President Obama hand in Libya( not a threat to the United States). Its now thriving with Terrorism because of U.S Interference. Example: Ariana Grande Concert 22 dead Manchester. (Libya terrorist training).
Syria:? It was members of the United States Legislative Branch that instigated civil war in Syria(no threat to the United States). Turned it into an infestation of terrorism. Which caused wide spread terrorism in Europe. The war in Syria also destabilized IRAQ!!
Election Interference Authorized by the United States Legislative Branch: 2012 French election, spying on the Germans, spying on the Brazilians, interfering in Venezuela.
Special Councel

enough with leaks!
The United States Legislative Branch has been authorizing Election Interference in Russia for decades. Russia intervene in the 2016 United States General Elections because America has been intervening in Russian politics for decades!
Certain members of Congress (Legislative Branch) must recuse themselves from this Russian investigation because they instigated election interference in various countries around the world.
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