Monday, December 7, 2015

Whats up my European Friends!

According to Enrique the philosopher, "Terrorism is a fight of hearts and souls, If  our Arab Middle Eastern Allies continue to fund extremist religious centers, then terrorism will never end"
                                                                                                            wisdom written: Visual Hawk

News story Berlin Reuters:
German Vice Chancellor Gabriel urged Saudi Arabia on Sunday to stop supporting religious radicals, amid growing concern among some lawmakers in Berlin about the funding of militant mosques by the world's biggest oil exporter.

New rules for Immigrants and Refugees is required in Europe.

Radicalization in Europe should not be tolerated.
  • It is a privilege to enter the European Union as a guest and not a right. 
  • Therefore every visiting foreign national must conduct themselves in a good positive way in their stay or visit.
  • Any visiting immigrant or refugee engaging in extremists  activities will be thrown out from Europe.
  • Foreign Countries should not be allowed to open radicalized worship centers in Europe.
  • Wars in the middle east are never going to end when middle eastern countries are funding radicalization!!
 In the United States: 
  • It time for the Democratic Party to release Intelligence Reports of which middle eastern countries are funding radicalized schools and mosques in the middle east and here in the United States.
  • Remember when Osama Bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan (Ally) near a military base?