MISSION FAILURE: Trying to rebuild Syria while radicalism exists, extremist textbooks flourish, radicalized schools are opening , radicalized professors are more frequent, and radicalized mosques run the politics. Most of this radicalized behavior is happening in the Syrian Sunni rebel side. The Kurdish rebels are not the problem.
Attacking Assad: The Iranians are going to create an insurgency after you replace PRESIDENT ASSAD creating RELIGIOUS SECTARIAN VIOLENCE.
SHARIA LAW: ISIS will blend in with the Sunni rebels and over take them creating JIHAD DEMOCRACY!
INTERNATIONAL LAW: President Assad did not attack the United States or kill American Soldiers in Iraq. On the contrary, most of the killings of American Soldiers have been committed by Sunni terrorist organization funded by America's Arab allies.
CREATING WAR WITH UNITED NATION"S APPROVAL: President Assad did not create war with the United States. It against U.S. Law to create war with a country that never attacked or try to attack the United States. Other Countries like Russia and China could also create war with out United Nations Approval. U.S ALLIES will not support engaging in war Syria against President Assad without United Nation's Approval!!